Dec 15th -
Happy Holidays! I am close to being out of Haddie now. Late orders may not be filled until the New Year
Thank You, Richard
and serving a Cullen Skink !
with Richard's Haddie !
Finnan Haddie is a versatile smoked seafood classic!
Richard’s Finnan Haddie is made from the thickest fillets of hook caught haddock, prepared from extra-large haddock from the World’s most responsible small-boat wild haddock fishery. Finnan Haddie is a unique product that carries a delicate flavor distinct from any other smoked seafood. It is a time-proven food and once tasted, is never forgotten. That is why so many families, for over a century, continue to cook Finnan Haddie for a special occasion or just a cozy comfort meal.
Thank you and Enjoy!
Nutritional and Salt Content Information »
Dec 19th, Orders cannot get delivered on Monday 23rd they would have to ship out that day. But with Wednesday 25th and 1st both being a UPS holiday the next delivery opportunity is on January 7th or 8th. Thank you! Richard
Click to watch Richard Smoking haddock – And serving Cullen Skink!